Monday, October 04, 2004

Night of Wonders

A thousand and seven hundred men
With the three-four hundred eyes they bring
All shall be fixed on the chorals of Agaphe
On the "Hall of the Meeting" the fateful day

The twenty-fifth day of the twelveth cycle of the moon
On the fourth year past the twentieth of hundred years
In no more than six fortnights (a 'fortnight' is 14 days)
The long-awaited Night of Wonders shall begin...

All shall hail the coming of the King
A wonderful and majestic praise we shall sing
For a King that was born
In the manger forever known

Will the Night of Wonders only remain in past memories?
Shall we be abled to make the night a Night of Wonders?
With our songs of praises we raise our voices
And the Night of Wonders shall be once again....

The "Hall of the Meeting" refers to the "Convention Hall" that will be used by the Agaphe Choir for their stage performance on the "25th day of the 12th cycle of the moon" (December, 25th) "upon the 4th year past the 20th of 100 years" (4 years after 2000 is 2004). It is estimated that 1,700 will come hence the 3,400 eyes. The Night of Wonders is the title of the choral song to be sung by the Agaphe Choir. It also refers to the night when Christ was born, also known as the Holy Night or Christmas.