Sunday, November 14, 2004

World, Injustice

As I looked into my surroundings I see the people around me, people who have been placed in the inner circles of my life. I wonder why God has placed so many people with their own problems around me. Is it for me to be thankful for my being? Or is it for me to guard them and help them, be the kind of "hero" I always wanted to be, to bring joy and happiness to all of them? What is it, then, the meaning of me for these people?

Kezia, a 17-years old girl I knew from the net. She is a kind and light-hearted person, but as I got to know her I learned that she is deaf. She cannot listen to anything at all, even more to music. She said that if she wasn't deaf she would learn to play all kinds of musical instruments and she will learn to sing. Now here's one person that I wanted so much to be blessed by the songs of my Christmas Cantata, but no matter what I try to do I know that she will not be able to hear that. Suddenly, the 1,300 people I'm going to sing in front of at the Supermal Pakuwon don't seem to matter much anymore for me. What's the use of singing in front of thousands when there's one that I wanted so much to hear me but she can't?

June, my friend's 18-years old little sister, which is also my close neighbour and childhood friend. She has faced many problems such as financial and family problems from the beginning. In the last two months things have gotten worse. She is infected with a throat disease and until now she has not been able to regain her voice back. She's now undergoing medical treatments which is very expensive, and it hurts so much for her every week after she has undergone the laser treatment. I don't know if she will be able to return in time for the Christmas Cantata, but I think it's somehow too late. No matter how much she wants to praise and sing to the Lord, she just can't.

Mee-a, my 24-years old spiritual sister. She used to be a strong woman with a very close relationship with God, and she has helped me to build my own spiritual relationship with God in many times when I was falling. Now the things that has happened to her life, somehow, has almost reached beyond her "limits line" (see 1 Corinthians 10:13 for what I mean by the "limits line"). God has promised not to let the temptations in our lives go beyond the limit line, because He promised that He will give a way out and that all of us can do all things in He that strengthens us (Phillipians 4:13). She said that when she asked God, God just answered her by stretching and opening His arms wide, showing His nail-stricken hands, while saying "Come to Me o those who is heavy laden, and I will give you rest". She knew that He has died once and for all for her problems and her sins, but considering the situation, she has begun to argue and question about it.

What about myself then? My life is not without its own share of problems. Just look at my love life, which has been kept struggling for a month, and is now dangling on a string (we still love each other but we DO know that we can't be together by the means of this world and its many conditions, man-made conditions that made them suffer by their own odd rules). Look at my internship, which only had 3 weeks left to finish it all, and I am too lazy and too troublesome to finish it. Look at my final project, where my friends have made their final proposals and booked their tutors, I have yet to find my own tutor and make my proposal, and it won't be the final one, but the first one.

"Where is the justice in all this then? Where is God's justice?", we may ask. But yesterday in a sermon, He answered it all. Yes, God is just, but He NEVER gave away nor opened His standards of justice for men. If you see the "eye for eye, teeth for teeth" thing, it is man-made justice. Justice will never ever be able to be accomplished in this world by mankind, because even since the beginning, we have not been made to be able to do that. God's justice will be found later, in His second coming, where He will be the Rightful Judge and there -and only there- will we be able to see the real justice of our God.

What can I do then? I will just walk on with my life and try to solve all of my problems, because it is part of the learning and molding process, and also part of living my life down here on Earth. Other than that, I will do my best to comfort and help all of those who are in need. Even though I can't be some sort of a "hero" or something, I will still do what I can do in my capacity as a mankind and as God's work of hand, because somehow I knew that if He placed me here, and He placed them all around me in my surroundings, then it will not be for nothing. Like a great chess player, when He put those pieces in their places, He must have His own thinking and strategy and nothing He plans will be useless or for nothing. That is not to say that we are merely "pawns" though, but if we use our freewill to surrender and follow His plans and let His thoughts be made manifest in us, then we will surely see the mighy plans and works of wonders that He has in His mind (well you wouldn't want your chess pieces to all go their own ways when you're playing, won't you?).

I will just set my mind on the things above and not things on the Earth.
I will walk by my faith and not by my eyes nor my sight.
I will do all things by trusting Him, in Him that will made me able and strengthens me.
No temptation has laid hold upon me, which is greater than my ability to face it.

...............I can do all things in Him that strengthens me!